Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How to add Google Analytics to Diferior Torrent Tracker CMS.

Diferior is a new breed of Open Source Tracker Content Management System(CMS).  It has built in support for Blog,Forum,Tracker and User Management, basically all you need to get your own Torrent site going.  You can also incorporate different Tracker configuration based on your needs, it is easy to setup and very powerful.  I got the site up and running but one thing is missing, it is not as straight forward to get Google analytic working with it.  The main reason is because this is not a simple CMS with the use of HTML and PHP, it uses a template system called Smarty.  This makes installation of the Google Analytics script non-function if you install it as other websites. 
There is workaround for that.  Simply goto the template file of index.tpl.php and add the normal google code, but make sure the code is wrap around by the tag
Google Code

and you are good to go.

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